About Me

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I love my life. I'm contented enough to be relaxed and discontented enough to quest. I want to see it all, smell it all and touch it all and through writing I can. I'm especially grateful for the gospel in my life. I don't need to search anymore. I can get on with perfecting talents and abilities.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

House/Cat Sitting Day Eight Sept 23rd

A busy day - off to Linden via Red Deer where I picked up 4 pizzas at Costco for tonight's Relief Society meeting. {Relief Society is the name of the women's organization in the Church}

It was great to see my husband and my cat! {he - the cat - has a reasonable litter disposal method}

The meeting was awesome. Sandra Hawryluk, a sister from a ward I attended in Calgary, came and gave us a presentation on how she and her husband are working together to create a successful family based on living the principles of the Gospel as taught in the scriptures. She left us with a lot to think about and many things to try. She also gave us a handout showing her family's mission statement, guiding principles temporal, spiritual and family and some reference material.

One of the talks in the reference material can be found here -

I guarantee that if you read this talk and put these things into practice - you will be successful at anything you try.

Afterwards, I went to Trish's so we could work on a card making technique using a fancy paper napkin, saran wrap and an iron. Ask me about it and I'll gladly share.

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