About Me

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I love my life. I'm contented enough to be relaxed and discontented enough to quest. I want to see it all, smell it all and touch it all and through writing I can. I'm especially grateful for the gospel in my life. I don't need to search anymore. I can get on with perfecting talents and abilities.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Sing, sing...sing a song

I have a song to sing. You have a song to sing. It flows through your veins and is undeniably yours and yours alone. Find it and then sing it. It's okay, at first, to sing someone else's song. That's how you learn what a song is all about. Eventually, though, you need to find your own voice.

"Let other people decide who you are and you will always be their prisoner."

Think about that for a bit. You are not here to be somebody's somebody. You are not here to fulfill someone else's dreams. You are here to experience your own potential.

Finding out who you are and why you are here is a life long quest. This life truly is a 'Choose Your Own Adventure' - remember those books? I loved them. They were pretty safe - if you made the wrong choice, you could always turn back to the page where you first went wrong and choose again. Real life involves risk - but it's ALWAYS worth it - if you truly want to find and sing your song.

Something to think about - something to reach out for - now, let me hear you sing!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I was typing in the web address for my blog and was redirected to a Google search...I found ME!!!!! How cool is that... I didn't even need a Search Engine Optimization program to get me to the top of the list!!!!!

How funny is that???!!!

My few seconds of fame...lol!

New Poll

Be sure to check out my new poll at the bottom of the page!

A Muse From Days Long Past...

I write all sorts of things - poetry, short stories, articles...and ramblings. Here's one of the latter. It may not be something 'up your alley' (writers are strange people) so stick with me here...

Aimless, shameless...there are so many thoughts inside of me. I wonder when I am released from the confines of mortality and this veil of forgetfulness is removed - will I remember all? Will I know all? Will I be able to be in touch with all my thoughts at once or will I still play hide and seek with myself - sometimes looking, sometimes drifiting, sometimes so unaware?
Will I need to ponder? Will I be able to sit and gaze and become 'lost' in thought? There are certain pluses to being lost. It's like a mini-vacation - dreaming while awake.
Where do all these thoughts come from? Movies and books and conversations - yes - but there is more. Am I like a sponge, or a static strip, picking up everything around me? Sometimes I don't recognize my thoughts or know how they're connected - they're there and gone before I can 'see' them clearly.
It's incredible, fantastic, worrisome, thrilling, lonesome, staggering, sweet, simple...

Thanks for reading my blog. As you 'stick with me' you'll see a writer's mind unfold...or maybe just me crumpled in a sobbing heap on the floor as I struggle to express what's inside...lol!!!

Have a great day!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Busy, busy

Yes...aren't we? Always busy. I will post some writing tomorrow. Today I'm off to Edmonton to celebrate with Trish and Cristen! Please tune in tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Somehow I Did It!

I managed to get the font color of the poll changed...happy day!

Can you do this - with your right foot make clockwise circles on the floor.
Okay...that's good. Stop that and with your right hand make counter-clockwise circles.
Okay ... that's good.
Now do them both together...
Can't do it...I see...me neither...
Have a great day!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Color help requested

I am unable to change the color of the poll responses. Anyone know how to do that?

I'm willing to pay...willing...but not able...lol!


I wrote this poem about a cat I owned ...well, okay...no one really 'owns' a cat but he let me think I did...anyway, he was a great cat and we hated to have to give him away when we moved from Vancouver Island to Toronto in 1992. I have many stories about Merlin and will post them as time goes by...onto the poem...

Note: Please excuse any punctuation/capitalization errors - when it posted all the line spacing between the verses disappeared...

To Merlin
Hello, my lovely cat,
catcher of mice and birds.
watcher of cows and keeper of the fence.
You are so beautiful, my
licker of fur, twitcher of tail,
master of stretches and scratcher of fleas.
I love to sit and watch you,
archer of backs
preener of fur and wiper of whiskers.
And I wonder, my
pouncer of leaves, meower of nights,
purrer of tales and gazer on endless realms
Where it is you go when you leave me?
Never mind, you wonderful
lounger of couches,
sleeper of sunny days and cuddler of cold feet...
It doesn't matter
As long as you come back
day after glorious day...to me.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Ouch and Clarification

OUCH!!! My arms are rebelling and I'd love to lop them off - anyone know where I can get replacements??? I'm dealing with a flare-up of tendonitis/carpal tunnel in both wrists, elbows and shoulders...so I will make this short and sweet and get off the computer (which we all know aggravates it...)

CLARIFICATION - I have received a couple of comments correcting grammar in my post. The grammar corrections ( and punctuation etc) I was speaking of apply to the pieces of writing, both from the course I'm taking as well as free-lance ones I may be working on, that I will post in the future - not my regular posts...silly people...lol!

Have a great day - I think I'll go read...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Block on the Blog?

Welcome to my world!!!

I get all these great ideas to write about and then I get stuck. Imagine...getting stuck on your own blog...lol!

Maybe I should start by publishing a book on 'Story Starters' or "Possible Plots' for other writers to buy! Maybe that's my niche...?

I am taking a course through the Institute of Children's Literature and am about half-way done. I find it hard to write to someone else's specs so to speak but it is good training so I will persevere.

My blog posts will, undoubtedly, be filled with various efforts and ideas and I will WELCOME your suggestions and criticisms. I'm striving to understand that criticisms are not directed at one's person but are directed at the work - grammar, clarity, consistency etc...right??? lol!!!

I will also post other things that I find interesting or controversial - that's for Sylvia - because life is full of these kinds of things.

Come along for the ride...it should be a good one!