When you open your mind to a possibility; to an idea; to a desire; doors begin to open and pathways begin to be seen.
It's like when my husband and I want to go to the Temple to worship. Unless we put the date on the calendar, it doesn't happen or it really is difficult to do. But if the date is on the calendar - things work together and it happens!
So ... I want a greenhouse... of a certain design and of a certain size. Guess what??? In a couple of weeks I should be standing inside it!!!! Let me tell you about it.
It started with an idea - a dream, a desire to make the idea happen...somehow... and for free!!!
I started by talking about it with my husband and with everyone else I talked with. I vocalized my desire - I put it out there. I drew pictures of what I wanted it to look like and what size I wanted it to be. My husband and I looked at each part of our property to see where the best place would be to put it and what dimensions it could be given the limited space and limited sun exposure we have.
Then a couple of weeks ago my husband and I went for a walk and saw the greenhouse in my drawing on a friend's property!! My husband called the friend and asked if he had any plans for their greenhouse. Before we knew it, the friend offered it to us...for free!!!
It has the ventilation I want, the size and shape, too!!! Next step - how to get it here and exactly where to put it.
Again...a door opened. We were outside pulling the lawnmower from the shed and - bang!- the perfect place to put it came to me - right beside the shed! It would have southern exposure and there is a water cource right there!!! One problem - the greenhouse would extend onto a neighbor's property....
I was pondering how to get hold of this neighbor [he's away for months at a time and not home now] and decided to ask the landlady if she had a contact number for this fellow.
Ok... so this is how it works... I'm taking a break and debating mowing our lawn - rain is coming, but I feel tired and then... I look out of my craft room window and see a neighbor lady mowing this away fellow's lawn. I decide to get out there and do our lawn while I have the opportunity in between days/weeks of rainy periods. I get out the mower, smile and wave at her and then...I go ask her if she has a number for this fellow. She doesn't but the landlady probably does and this nice neighbor lady tells me the landlady is just down the street.
I tell the landlady that I want this fellow's number, she asks why and when I tell her, she says she'll come have a look. She comes over and when I explain where I want to put the greenhouse and that I want to get permission from my neighbor to do it. She takes a look and tells me to go ahead and put it where I want it - she'll chat with the neighbor and it'll be fine.
Wow!!!! Now I just need to get it here. I need get someone with a forklift to do it, so...I talk with the ladies in the staff room at the school on a break and talk about what I need. They give me some ideas of which businesses have forklifts in town. Well, wouldn't you know it, the fellow giving us the greenhouse works at a place with at least one forklift!!! And...it just so happens that my husband is going to visit this fellow in a couple of days...
I'll let you know how it gets here and when and then I'll post a picture of me in my greenhouse at my place....;)
Oh yeah!!!! Just open your mind and let the power flow through you. Don't stop it - let it flow.
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